I am (k)not ok
I am (k)not ok
Press kit
I am (k)not ok - Comunicati stampaBDW 2023 Insula delle Rose_ open air installation "I am (k)not ok" realized by the students of ABA of Udine under the supervision of Claudio Papa designer_ indoor installation_Argento_ of Leonardo Talarico designer who planned the aesthetic concept of the showroom's first floor.
Partners: Alice, Arcom, Artelinea, Arthesi, Duscholux, Graziano, Neve, Relax Design and Sunshower,
Temporary brands: Olmar, Spaghetti Wall and Icone.
Activities schedule
April 17 | |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Open-air installation: "I am (k)not ok - ABA Udine |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
15:00 — 20:00 | Press preview |
April 18 | |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Open-air installation: "I am (k)not ok - ABA Udine |
April 19 | |
10:30 — 18:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
10:30 — 22:00 | Exhibition - Open-air installation: "I am (k)not ok - ABA Udine |
18:00 — 22:00 | Private party - Argento - Invitation only party |
April 20 | |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Open-air installation: "I am (k)not ok - ABA Udine |
April 21 | |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Open-air installation: "I am (k)not ok - ABA Udine |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
April 22 | |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Open-air installation: "I am (k)not ok - ABA Udine |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
10:30 — 20:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
April 23 | |
10:30 — 13:00 | Exhibition - Downstairs exhibition: DesignCircus presents 'L'Insula di Osvaldo' |
10:30 — 13:00 | Exhibition - Showroom Insula delle Rose: "Argento" |
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to the places indicated in the map is managed and regulated by each individual brand by the existing rules.
Brera Design District and Studiolabo are thus not responsible for the management of people flow and access to any of those places.