The harmony between design and nature

The harmony between design and nature creates a unique experience, where human art merges with the perfection of the Earth. Design becomes not just a product, but an extension of nature itself, evoking the 'Stupor Mundi,' the wonder of the world, which expresses this extraordinary fusion.


Opening hours

Mon, April 7th
h. 10:00—18:00
Tue, April 8th
h. 10:00—21:00
Wed, April 9th
h. 10:00—21:00
Thu, April 10th
h. 10:00—21:00
Fri, April 11th
h. 10:00—21:00
Sat, April 12th
h. 10:00—21:00
Sun, April 13th
h. 10:00—18:00


Exhibitors and companies


Masiero has been imagining, developing and producing high-end decorative lamps for interiors and exteriors since 1981. Technical ability, passion for technology and design: these are the elements that combined together make the Masiero brand unique.