50 centuries ago, man began to select goats and sheep with longer fleece, thus starting on the path towards what would become one of the first human industries: textiles.

In occasion of the Design Week 2025, the ALTAI Gallery present a collection of antique carpets and tapestries with exuberant wool: the last documents of this epochal passage for our civilization.

Via Pinamonte, 6
20121 Milano 


Opening times

7th – 13th of April 10.00am – 7.00 pm


Via Pinamonte da Vimercate, 6 - Milano

How to get there

Opening hours

Mon, April 7th
h. 10:00—19:00
Tue, April 8th
h. 10:00—19:00
Wed, April 9th
h. 10:00—19:00
Thu, April 10th
h. 10:00—19:00
Fri, April 11th
h. 10:00—19:00
Sat, April 12th
h. 10:00—19:00
Sun, April 13th
h. 10:00—18:00


Exhibitors and companies